Keep Britain Tidy

Litter Picking

Our Environment Wardens ensure our parks and green spaces are a safe environment for all to visit.  You will see them patrolling our sites across Bracknell to ensure they are clear of litter, dog fouling, offering protection to wildlife and carrying out maintenance checks.  They provide a visible presence in our parks and green spaces, if you see them, say hello!

Residents are welcome to borrow litter picking equipment if they wish to help clear litter in their neighbourhood.

If you need to contact our Environment Wardens please email environment.warden@bracknelltowncouncil.gov.uk / ew2@bracknelltowncouncil.gov.uk, call
07714 481535 / 07818 231468 or complete the contact form below.

Reminders from our Environment Wardens

  • Please clean up after your dog – dog mess can be put into any of our bins provided.
  • Dogs must be kept on leads when walking around North Lake and South Hill Park to protect the wildlife.
  • Picnics – please ensure all litter is put in the bins provided around our sites or take it home with you.
  • BBQ’s – only permitted at selected locations, please use bricks when using disposable BBQs.
  • Splash Pads – please ensure children are supervised at all times
  • Electric Bikes and Scooters are not permitted on our fields, green spaces or parks
  • Fly tipping – please report to 01344 420079
  • Angling – please be safe and responsible around our ponds and mindful of the wildlife

Did you know?

  • We are currently producing 13 billion plastic bottles every year of which only 57% are recycled. 700,000 are littered every day and will take approximately 450 years to decompose.  If Queen Elizabeth I were to have dropped a plastic bottle during her reign (1533 -1603), it would still be here today.
  • It takes up to 2 years for a banana skin to decompose.
  • Cigarette litter is the number one littered item in the country, and a cigarette end takes between 2 and 5 years to decompose.

Friends of Our Parks

Our Environment Wardens are gathering groups of like-minded people who are regular visitors to our parks.  We are looking to inspire groups of residents living nearby one of our parks and who take a special interest in the environment, to help us keep that park clear of litter! The environment wardens can provide you with equipment, all you need to do is organise a time and day with other people who want to help!

Speak to our environment wardens or call the office (01344 420079) to show your interest.

Contact Form

To contact our Environment Wardens please complete this form.