Bracknell Town Council

01344 420079

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Our team


Picture Name/Title Responsibilities
Jackie Burgess
Town Clerk
Operationally responsible for the work of Bracknell Town Council, including providing support and guidance to staff and members of the Council.
Rachel Gordge
Deputy Town Clerk
Prepares agendas and takes minutes at Committee meetings, and manages the office staff team in undertaking payroll, finance, bookings, allotments and general office duties. Manages the Environment Warden Team and deputises for the Town Clerk.
Serina Casella
Finance Officer
Administers the finance and accounts, as well as supporting the work undertaken within the office team. Manages the Pavilion supervisor and supports their work.
Ian Evans
Recreational Facilities Manager
Responsible for the management of the Grounds Staff and maintaining our facilities.

Keith Thorne
Assistant Recreational Facilities Manager

Assists in the management of the Ground Staff and in facilities maintenance.
Arron Marchant
Pavilion Supervisor & Events Co-ordinator
Supervises the pavilions and hall bookings, and assists with organising events.
Ollie Cichy
Senior Environment Warden
Acts as the Council’s lead with regard to environmental matters, including educating the public on related issues, and assists with organising events. Supervises the Environment Warden team.
Ellie McIntosh
Environment Warden
Working with the Senior Environment Warden assisting with environmental matters, including educating the public on related issues.
Julia Miller
Reception and Bookings Administrator
Administers bookings, the reception and provides mayoral support, together with being part of the office team for finance and general office administration.
Debbie Horton
Payroll and Allotments Administrator
Performs payroll, cemeteries and allotments administration as well as supporting the work undertaken within the office team.

The full Town Council team also includes our grounds and pavilion staff.


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