Lucy Young
Great Hollands South
- T: 01344 420079 (office hours only)
- E: lucy.young@bracknelltowncouncil.gov.uk
- Environmental Services Committee – Chair
Lucy moved to Bracknell in 1991, first living in Hanworth and moving to Great Hollands in 2001.
Since living in Bracknell Lucy has brought up four children, using many of the facilities and amenities provided by Bracknell Town Council. As a dog owner she appreciates the many green spaces offered and feels passionate about keeping them safe, litter-free and accessible for the whole community.
With a background supporting vulnerable families and their children, Lucy wants to continue ensuring the quality and safety of play equipment in our parks, so people have places to enjoy precious time with their families.
In her spare time Lucy continues with dedicating her time to the young people of our communities by running a guide unit, something she has done for nearly thirty years.
Lucy has a love of theatre and enjoys nights out at The Wilde Theatre at South Hill Park, a great facility offered to the residents of the town.