
Following each round of Committee meetings, a Full Council meeting is held, where all elected councillors come together to make major decisions for the local community.  The Committees discuss issues in detail, make recommendations, and then report back to Full Council, where the final decisions are made. This system ensures that decisions are well-informed, thoroughly debated, transparent, and that the Council remains accountable to the community. For details of Full Council meetings look at the minutes and agendas.


Strategy and Finance Committee

The committee recommends and monitors the Town Council’s budget and advises on financial management as well as other matters which do not fall within the remit of the Environmental Services Committee.

Environmental Services Committee

The committee oversees the management of the Town Council’s recreation grounds, play areas and pavilions and is responsible for establishing future work plans for play area renewal and refurbishment. Environmental issues are also considered by the committee.

Staffing Committee

The Staffing Committee has delegated authority to consider issues, make enquiries and make responses on behalf of Bracknell Town Council in respect of the areas for which it has responsibility, including to the staff establishment, job descriptions, pay scales, personnel policies, training and other terms and conditions where appropriate.

Planning Committee

The Town Council has the opportunity to comment on all Planning applications within the Bracknell Town area prior to their being considered by the Bracknell Forest Borough Council Planning Committee, where the final decisions on permission are made.

Working Group - Terms of References

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