Every year Bracknell Town Council makes a number of grants available to local organisations involved in delivering valued services to the Bracknell community.
How to Apply
Annual Grant
The Annual Grant may be used to cover capital or revenue costs; organisations must be able to demonstrate sound financial management and identify clearly what the grant will be used for. The application must be returned to Brooke House, 54 High Street, Bracknell RG12 1LL by the 1st October. Organisations which are successful in their application will be presented with their grant award at the Annual General Meeting held the following May.
Small Grants Scheme
Bracknell Town Council wishes to be in a position to assist local organisations providing valuable services to the local community who have an exceptional funding need. The Council regconises that the need for funding may not always be apparent at the time when the Annual Grant programme takes place.
- The Town Council will set aside £5,000 each year in order to provide small (up to £500) ad hoc grants
- No organisation will have more than two small grant applications considered in any financial year
- No organisation will have more than one small grant in any financial year, or receive a small grant for more than two consecutive years
- Organisations which have already received an Annual Grant will be eligible to apply for a small grant only if the application is for a ‘new’ and ‘exceptional’ funding need
- Organisations applying for a small grant must satisfy the Council that the grant will be spent for the benefit of local people and that the money is not available from any other source
- Small grants are not payable for the benefit of individuals
- The Council reserves the right to refuse to consider applications it considers inappropriate
Given the nature of the scheme the application procedure is designed to be straightforward and as quick as possible whilst allowing for adequate scrutiny.
- The grant application form must be completed
- The Town Clerk will make an initial judgement regarding the merits of the application and request additional supporting material / information if deemed necessary
- The application may be sent to the local Town Councillor for comment or direction
- The application will be put to the next available Council Committee (not Planning Committee) for agreement, with ratification of the decision at the next meeting of the Strategy and Finance Committee
- There will be no appeals process
- The Town Clerk will hold a list of small grants made and monies remaining in the scheme