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Bracknell Parks Tennis

Unlimited tennis per household – only £51.50 per year

To encourage use of our excellent floodlit courts at Jocks Lane Park we have introduced an online system to gain access to the courts.  A yearly membership of £51.50 per household allows you to play as many times as you want.  The courts at Great Hollands recreation ground are now available to book online, however floodlighting is not yet currently available.

To purchase a membership, register on-line with Bracknell Parks Tennis* at or complete a form at one of our pavilion shops. You can make bookings and will be able to gain entry when you have registered.  Bookings can either be made on-line, directly through the bookings system, which allows you to choose a court date and time up to 8 days in advance.

If you don’t have an Annual Membership and just fancy a one-off game, you can still pay and play. Book online today to reserve your court.  Any court bookings must be for personal use only. No coaching is to be carried out on these courts unless authorised by Bracknell Town Council or Matthew Reid.

*Please note Bracknell Parks Tennis membership does not include The Parks (housing estate) tennis courts as they are managed by Bracknell Forest Council
If you wish to play tennis on the courts at The Parks (housing estate) please book here
If you wish to sign up for a membership for The Parks tennis courts please click here

Questions and Answers

Which courts can I use with my Bracknell Parks tennis membership?

Jocks Lane Park, off Binfield Road, Bracknell RG12 2BH
Open each day from 8.00am to 10.00 pm. Some courts may be booked for coaching or a club activity.

Great Hollands Recreation Ground, South Road, Wokingham RG40 3EE
Open each day from 8.30am to 8.00pm in Summer and 8.30am to 4.00pm in winter as there is currently no floodlighting available.

How many court bookings can I make?
Members can book 8 days in advance, with eight 30 minute bookings during that period, 4 slots per booking.

Is tennis coaching provided?
Yes – Matt Reid Pro Coaching

Tennis for Free
Matt Reid Pro Coaching and Jocks Lane Recreation Ground are proud to be working with Registered charity Tennis For Free – offering fully-inclusive alternative tennis sessions for all sections of the community aged 12 or above completely free of charge. One hour sessions every Sunday, running mixed ability group games and drills managed by fully-trained professional coaches and supported by local volunteers. The result; making tennis and sport available to all – from those who simply want to try the game and to the less privileged who may otherwise not engage in tennis or sport. There are no catches, all equipment, everything is free. Come and join the fun!

Is there a tennis league?
Yes – visit  New players always welcome, includes FREE British Tennis membership.

Does it matter if I join part way through the year?
No, you will still be able to book courts once you have with the option to cancel the following year.

Once I have paid my membership do I need to pay court fees?
Courts are free once you have bought your membership, except for periods when floodlighting is needed, for which a £4.80 per hour charge will apply.

How do I pay for the floodlights?
Flood lighting will be charged at the time of booking for courts booked from 8.00pm in Summer and 5.00pm in Winter. You will be charged at the time of booking, either online or in the shop.

What happens if there is another person playing on the court when I arrive?
You will be able to resolve the issue by reference to your online booking record, usually also with the help of BTC staff if the shop is open.

How do I cancel a booking?
We ask you to cancel on the website or by phone as soon as you know you will not be able to play, as a courtesy to others.

Am I tied into a contract?
If you do not renew your membership the following year, you will not pay again.

Useful contacts

  • Jocks Lane
    01344 300380
  • Great Hollands
    01344 455521

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