Bracknell Town Council

01344 420079

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Bracknell Town Council is proud of the quality of its parks and recreation grounds which are situated throughout the town.

The Town Council is responsible for the maintenance of 250 acres of recreational land and children’s play areas.  All of our play areas are cleaned and checked for safety on a weekly basis. Some sites are visited several times a week if this is felt necessary. However, problems such as broken glass or occasional vandalism can occur within a few minutes of our maintenance staff leaving the site. Any reports of problems at a play area are responded to within 24 hours of receiving the information.

The Town Council employs Environment Wardens to deal with problems relating to dog fouling, litter, fly-tipping, graffiti, inconsiderate parking etc. They also work closely with members of the public to address and educate on such issues as dog fouling, graffiti, fly-tipping, littering, inconsiderate parking and fishing etc.

All of our sites are covered by Dog Control Orders which give the Environment Wardens the power to enforce rules governing where dogs must be kept on a lead, or are prohibited etc.  Problems with dog fouling in or around play areas should be reported to us. Letting dogs foul and failing to clean up after them is a fineable offence. The Environment Warden will warn or fine offenders as necessary.

Litter and Dog Faeces

Bracknell Town Council provides over 150 bins for depositing litter and dog faeces. Bins are emptied weekly at minimum, more frequently if required, and within 48 hours for specific problems. The Council’s Environment Wardens are responsible for emptying bins.

In order to ensure that the Council’s parks and recreation areas are maintained in excellent condition for the benefit of all users visitors are requested to adhere to some basic guidance.

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Barbecues Disposable barbecues carefully used are acceptable but please place these on a couple of bricks or similar to avoid scorching the grass. At Great Hollands Recreation Ground we have installed a purpose built area which allows barbecues to be placed on a shelf with which to cook food safely, with a bin for disposing the barbecue tray.
Bouncy Castles and Inflatables These may only be used on Town Council property with the permission of the Town Clerk. Evidence of adequate public liability insurance cover must be provided.  They are not permitted in any of our halls.
Dog Control Orders All our sites are covered by dog control orders.  These give our Environment Wardens the power to enforce the rules governing where dogs must be kept on a lead and where dogs are prohibited.  Our Environment Wardens also have the power to warn or fine offenders for dog fouling.
Dog Fouling Dog owners are requested to ‘poop and scoop’ in all the Town Council’s recreational areas, woodland and green spaces. This waste can be placed in any of the Town Council’s large number of litter bins which are all suitable for this type of waste. The Town Council makes small amounts 0f ‘poop and scoop’ bags available through the Environment Wardens in case you forget your own.
Dog Walking Dog owners are requested to keep their dogs on the lead within 100m of all lakes, ponds and water courses, this is to avoid them chasing and disturbing the wildlife. Dogs must also remain on their leads in the Larges Lane Cemetery. Dogs are not permitted within the Council’s fenced play areas.
Fly Tipping Fly-tipped waste generally consists of large items of rubbish that are dumped illegally on land instead of being disposed of properly at the tip.  We take this matter very seriously and will act to trace and prosecute anyone guilty of fly tipping on Town Council property. If you are aware of any instances of fly tipping, please let us know on 01344 420029, or The Environment Agency’s fly-tipping hotline 0800 807060.
Geocaching This is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices.  Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS co-ordinates and then attempt to find a geocache (container) hidden at that location.  Geocaches can be hidden on our land with our permission.
Golf No golf play or practice is permitted on any of the Town Council’s recreational areas or green spaces.
Graffiti and Fly Posting We are responsible for removing graffiti and fly-posters from our land, buildings, bus shelters, street furniture and signage.
Litter The Town Council provides numerous litter bins which are regularly emptied. Broken glass and other hazardous waste will be cleared as soon as practicable after it is reported. Football teams are particularly requested to pay attention to litter clearance after matches.
Metal Detecting This is rarely permitted on our land and only for archaeological purposes, with permission.
Motorbikes and Mini-Motos These are strictly forbidden on any Town Council recreational areas, woodland and green spaces.
Parking Please use the designated car parking available and avoid parking on grass verges.
Remote Control Models & Drones Flying model aircraft and drones, and use of remote control model vehicles and boats is only permitted at some of our recreational areas with prior permission.
Smoking All the Town Council’s properties are smoke-free. Users are also asked not to smoke within the fenced play areas provided by the Town Council.
Stray or Lost Dogs If you find a stray dog or lose your dog, please report it to The Public Protection Partnership.



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  • Check if you are eligible for our TV Grant scheme under Services
  • The splash pads at Jocks Lane and Great Hollands are OPEN daily 11:00am - 4:30pm

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