Bracknell Town Council

01344 420079

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The Town Mayor

Councillor Elizabeth Baker has been elected as Bracknell Town Mayor for the year 2024/25 representing the parish of Bracknell Town, and has chosen Home-Start Bracknell Forest as her charity.

About Home Start

Home-Start Bracknell Forest supports parents who have young children and who are dealing with issues such as:

  • Isolation
  • Mental health
  • Sickness
  • Disability
  • Domestic abuse
  • Multiple birth
  • Difficult relationships

Registered Charity No 1160447

The Deputy Town Mayor

Councillor Ellen Mac Hale has been elected as Deputy Town Mayor for the year 2024/25. The Deputy Town Mayor attends events when the Town Mayor is unavailable and should be treated just like the Town Mayor as they are there on the Town Mayor’s behalf.

Mayoral Invitations

If you would like to invite the Town Mayor or Deputy Town Mayor to any local events please contact us by completing the Mayoral Engagement Form

Please submit your request at least two weeks before your event as the Mayor may not be able to accept late requests.  Although these dates are updated regularly, you are advised to check with Brooke House before making any arrangements based on them.

If you just wish to send a message, please complete the Town Mayor’s contact page.


Donations to the Town Mayor’s Fund can be made via electronic bank transfer:

Bracknell Town Council Account No: 00033128 Sort Code: 30-91-11

Current Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor

 Elizabeth Baker

Elizabeth Baker  
Crown Wood

T: 01344 420079 (office hours only)


Town Mayor
 Ellen Mac Hale

Ellen Mac Hale  

T: 01344 420079 (office hours only)


Deputy Town Mayor

Mayoral calendar

Concert of Remembrance
Friday, 8th Nov 2024
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Concert of Remembrance

Diwali Festival
Saturday, 9th Nov 2024
4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Diwali Festival

Inspiring Women Event
Thursday, 14th Nov 2024
10:30 am - 11:30 am

Inspiring Women Event

Robin Hood and the Magic Arrow
Friday, 6th Dec 2024
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Robin Hood and the Magic Arrow

30th Anniversary Church Service
Sunday, 8th Dec 2024
10:30 am - 12:30 pm

30th Anniversary Church Service

Look-In Community Cafe
Friday, 20th Dec 2024
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Look-In Community Cafe

Data Protection Act
Bracknell Town Council (BTC, “we” and “us”) may process information relating to you (including personal data as defined under the Data Protection Act 1998), including holding such information in a manual format or electronic database, to satisfy contractual, regulatory or statutory requirements we may have. Unless we receive specific written instructions to the contrary you agree that we may process this information to fulfil such obligations.

Useful contacts

  • Julia Miller
    01344 420079

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