Bracknell Town Council

01344 420079

Accessibility Info

Bracknell Town Council > Conditions of Use > How we use cookies

How we use cookies

A cookie is a small file which your web browser stores on your computer’s hard drive in response to a request from a website you are viewing. Cookies have many uses, for instance storing information to help analyse web traffic, storing contents of a ‘Shopping Basket’, or letting you know when you revisit a particular site. Many websites use cookies to track browsing behaviour leading to concerns about privacy and data protection. From 26 May 2012 websites using cookies are expected to obtain permission to store cookies on users computers under an EU directive passed in 2009.

This site only uses session cookies: these store information on selections you may have made from the menu and from drop down lists and are used solely to control your navigation through the site. These session cookies expire when you end your browser session.

Overall, session cookies help us provide you with a better website. A session cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you. It simply stores site navigation data such as page numbers and council year

You can choose to accept or decline cookies. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings to decline cookies if you prefer, an online search should provide you with details of how this may be achieved for your browser. Declining cookies may however prevent you from taking full advantage of this website.

If you continue to access this website, we assume that you implicitly confirm your acceptance of session cookies from our website, OR that you have set your browser to decline cookies.


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  • Check if you are eligible for our TV Grant scheme under Services
  • The splash pads at Jocks Lane and Great Hollands are OPEN daily 11:00am - 4:30pm

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